Gives you protection,
energy and harmony

Are you not sleeping as well as you would like?
There could be several reasons for this. One increasingly common reason is the radiation from your cell phone, WIFI and recently the 5G networks. In fact, your body makes fewer sleep hormones due to radiation. A lot of scientific research has been done on this. The sleep hormones make sure you sleep well so you can start the day fitfully.
Consequences of poor sleep
You will have experienced for yourself how you feel during the day when you have slept poorly. In the long run, there are more risks: Adults who sleep poorly have an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, coronary heart disease, stroke, depression and dementia.
There is evidence that poor sleep in adolescents puts them at risk for obesity, poorer cognitive functioning and behavioral problems.

We may be able to help you with the EMF Health Card

Of course, we don’t know why you sleep poorly. So a 100% guarantee I won’t give you.
We now have three years of experience with the EMF Health card. Card users talk about sleeping better, feeling calmer and having more energy.
EMF in English stands for electromagnetic fields (EMF). In Dutch, this is electromagnetic radiation and is also called electrosmog.
The EMF Health Card neutralizes the harmful radiation so it doesn’t bother you anymore.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could sleep better with the EMF Health Card. After four weeks, you’ll know whether or not the EMF Health Card helps you sleep.
The EMF Health Card is suitable for adults, children and even works for animals.
Try without risk with the 3 months
"not good, money back" guarantee

EMF Health Card
Gray 1 Piece

EMF Health Card
Green 1 Piece

EMF Health Card
Pink 1 Piece

80% of workers sleep poorly
If I slept badly, I don’t get up particularly fit. I then have little energy throughout the day and life does not run so smoothly. We are not the only ones who sleep poorly. The American “World sleep day society” and the German insurance company DAK say that 80% of workers do not sleep enough or have poor quality sleep.Since 2007, my goal with FeelYoung2 has been to increase people’s vitality.
Sleeping well is obviously very important for your vitality.
Founder FeelYoung2
Who am I?
My name is Marcel Visschers, I am from the Netherlands. I have spent the last 16 years searching worldwide for innovative natural technologies. That technology should have uniquely strong effects in key health areas. I found them in the Netherlands! Jos (physician), and Willy (former pharmaceutical researcher) are the passionate inventors of the patented HQR technology.
With this, we transform existing radiation into a naturally effective energy field. The beauty of this HQR technology is that we can have a different energy field created by each product (Card, Coin, Djed). So that you are protected from radiation or that you have control over sugar or that you have the 12 primal frequencies in your home again.
We have tested each product to see if they are indeed unique and effective in practice. Yes, all the products exceeded the wildest expectations. Since 2020, hundreds of thousands of EMF tickets have already been sold.
We would love it if you too would like to become a vital and satisfied customer of ours.

Founder | Health idealist
Success Stories
from our customers
I have been carrying the EMF Health Card with me day (in my pocket) and night (next to my pillow) for six months now…Since the EMF card, I experience more peace at night, fall asleep better and also sleep better again after waking up. Before that, I regularly lay awake for long periods of time. I am also calmer during the day, more patient and less likely to freak out…..
I have been using the card for 2 days now and immediately less headache and sharper. Also, my nausea is gone. I sleep more restfully and wake up fitter. And that after only 2 days. That bodes well for the future....
I put it next to my bed. Notice right away that my breathing becomes calmer and deeper. I now sleep much more restfully and wake up much more energized. Also when I feel a little restless during the day I carry it in my upper pocket so that it is close to my heart and lung area. I am very satisfied. Highly recommended.
...I lent the card to a colleague who had a sleep shift and just couldn't get to rest. The next morning she immediately purchased the card herself and told a week later that those around her asked her what had happened to her, she had become so much calmer.

EMF Health Card
Gray 1 Piece

EMF Health Card
Green 1 Piece

EMF Health Card
Pink 1 Piece
Success Stories
from our customers
... My son (9 years old) slept poorly. Always fell asleep late (10:30 p.m. was no exception) and woke up tired in the morning. Since I put this card next to his bed, he falls asleep earlier and wakes up excited in the morning....
I borrowed the card for a few weeks but that I thought didn't do much to me. Last week I quickly asked him back because I was very quickly tired. Slept well again the past few days and was able to skip the afternoon nap. Very happy with it
... especially my sleep and energy levels have improved so much since using the EMF Health card! Highly recommended! .....
Wat doet de kaart voor je?
Your personal EMF Health Card creates strong natural protection against Electrosmog, anytime, anywhere. The card has proven indispensable for protecting Highly Sensitive People (HSP) from radiation. The card contributes to a good night’s sleep and more energy. The card makes the restless feeling disappear, makes you more stress resistant and provides better balance. Parents find that babies and children become calmer and sleep better. When children hold the card, they feel a calmness in their minds. This also applies to pets that stop vibrating and become calmer with the card.
The amount and intensity of this unnatural radiation has gradually increased throughout our lives. It creeps in, so to speak. Most people are unaware of the possible negative effects of radiation. When using the EMF Health Card, 9 out of 10 people experience an improvement. The negative effects of radiation have been neutralized?
That is why the card has been re already three years successful and that we have more than 100 enthusiastic ambassadors.

hoe werkt de kaart?

is straling schadelijk?
If we assume that every body and every cell is an electromagnetic field. The nervous system in the brain sends billions of electrical signals to all parts of the body. So in your head you have an even larger electromagnetic field. Disharmonic Radiation comes from cell phone, laptop, TV, Wifi, transmission towers, smart meters and so on. Then imagine this radiation going through your body like electromagnetic arrows. From the left, from the right but also from the front and from the back. It is not surprising then that this radiation causes an imbalance and/or stress in our energetic body. This could explain why children say they “feel a peace of mind” when they hold the EMF Health Card. Professor Dr. Martin Pall, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry and Fundamental Medical Sciences at Washington State University, found that electrosmog was linked to sleep disturbances, headaches, fatigue, symptoms of depression, restlessness and stress (Prof. Pall, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 2016). According to prof. Pall, electrosmog has a negative effect on people. More than 30 studies have shown this impact of electrosmog.
Success Stories
from our customers
Received the card 4 days ago. Was skeptical, but good 2 months on trial. When I held it between my fingers as directed nothing happened at all . On both sides nothing. I was like; that’s going back. In the evening, I tried again. First a restless feeling , heart palpitations and when I turned the card over to the loops I got tingling in my fingers and hands. I have a lot of electrosmog complaints. Previously only at high-voltage power lines. Later, it got worse. Now everywhere . Especially if WiFi coverage is also available. Severe headaches, nausea, even vomiting, muscle pain, poor sleep, cramps and cold hands and feet. The list grew longer and longer. The crazy thing was, when we were on vacation or in the woods the complaints were less. In the middle of nature and away from wifi etc. The wifi is on at home for up to 2 hours. But radiation also comes through the walls. After feeling the tingle, I decided to put the card on my nightstand that night and it helped. Slept much better and less radiation complaints. Then started wearing 24 hours a day on my body with the loops to my skin. The symptoms have all but disappeared. Do I put the card away then the symptoms just come back. Animals don’t lie. We have a number of cats. It is to laugh and also to howl. Since the card, I have them all around me. They feel something. They are calmer. They are now all around me or on my lap. They were already super sweet , but now even our traumatic cat stays more in the house instead of the garden. It’s just unbelievable. I am very happy with it. My life is much more pleasant and, in my opinion, our animals are much happier as well. At least bigger stuffed animals have become. Even my husband feels tingling when he grasps the card and wants it too.
At first I was skeptical about the EMF Health Card, now I have been using it for several years with complete satisfaction. For me, as a Highly Sensitive person, a wonderful tool to better ground myself. Gives me more peace and balance than without Card. If I accidentally didn't put the Card in my pocket, I notice a difference. Without Card, it creates more restlessness, uneasiness and I feel myself getting weird in my head. Then I think, do I have the Card with me? Check, not so. Then when I stick the Card back with me, it disappears again. This has happened to me this way a few times. For that reason, I purchased a spare, because I shouldn't think of losing the Card.
Became familiar with it through a colleague and after 2 nights trying out his borrowed card, purchased 3 of my own. Worth investment. I myself sleep deeper because of it and also feel more rested than ever before. Had put the card in the room and both sons both slept more comfortably and also "deeper." Trial week went by the cards "gingerly." Marcel Visschers even personally came to bring it to our house. Says something about this charismatic man. I can recommend the emf card. We take the cards daily. There are plenty of other emf providers but they do not have the desirable results in my opinion. Once again worth an investment! Next step is a FeelGood Coin.
I had an unexpected diminished functioning of the EMF Card.
A few days later, n.l., I found myself sitting at home, suffering from (work-related) burnout. So there was obviously too much going on both physically and psychologically. Apparently that EMF card can't accommodate that.
In the meantime, I have pretty much recovered. Again, I notice this in the operation of the EMF card.
For several weeks now, it has been doing what it always did before. Feeling more tired at the end of the evening, falling asleep earlier/slower, firmer sleep, also falling asleep again faster after pee breaks at night and more hours of sleep. The always dreaming at night is also back. So the Card not working, had more to do, I think, with my physical and mental state. That Card cannot absorb that seems logical to me....

EMF Health Card
Gray 1 Piece

EMF Health Card
Green 1 Piece

EMF Health Card
Pink 1 Piece
Try without risk with the 3 months
"not good, money back" guarantee
Several tests have shown that holding the metal strips on the sides of the card can increase the strength of the EMF Health Card. A body cell itself generates between 50 and 90 millivolts. This energy enhances the operation the patented inner workings. Do you have an unbalanced place in your body? Then hold the card between your fingers and boost that spot.


The harmonic field that the EMF Health Card creates around you has a range of 3 meters on both sides of the card. The closer you are to the map, the stronger the map works.
The card can be used according to personal preference. You can decide whether you always carry the card with you or hold it daily for some time and whether or not you use the symbols. You feel for yourself what your body needs and what feels right.
Restorenatural structures in water byplacing the card under or against a glass of water for a few minutes.
EMF Health Card creates strong natural protection against radiation anytime, anywhere. So not only protection from one device.
THE EMF Health Card uses the radiation present as energy for the metal interior. The higher the radiation, the harder the card works. The strength of the map field is determined by the strength of the radiation.
The EMF Health Card contains no electronics and is therefore maintenance-free. Provided the card is not physically damaged, it can last a lifetime.
It is not intended to be used underwater. However, it is not a problem if the card gets wet or even accidentally washed in the washing machine.