Gives you protection,
energy and harmony

The EMF Health Card ensures that you do not experience negative effects of radiation. So that you can sleep well, wake up energized and have a calm head. The card has been successful for three years with Highly Sensitive People (HSP), adults, children and animals.

The FeelGood Coin helps stop or slow down your cravings for sugar and sweets. With the Coin, you can now stop after one cookie or chocolate or have no or shorter bouts of eating. The Coin makes you feel satisfied because you stopped snacking in time.

The Super-Djed gives your entire home twelve naturally harmonic primal frequencies. The energy in your home will feel like you live in a forest. You and your family will feel extra energy, harmony and peace. The twelve meridians and your cells experience the right vibrations every second.

" My mission is for you to feel younger and more vital, using unique and effective products."

Marcel Visschers
Founder & Health idealist

Try without risk with the 3 months
"not good, money back" guarantee

I myself am a high sensitive person, so I feel a lot so to speak. I did have to get used to the map. But I really do notice now that I sleep very well and just feel calmer.


The change when wearing the FeelGood Coin was very subtle. I only found out a day later that I had stopped after one rice cake with chocolate. I used to eat the whole package then. I hadn't noticed because there wasn't a single urge to grab a second rice cake. I was no longer paying attention to it.

Marcel Visschers

I get up fitter, have more energy and my bowel movements have improved.
My 2.5-year-old daughter has slept through every night since then. She used to wake up at night an average of 4/5 times a week. Not anymore. In addition, my 8-year-old son's behavior (highly sensitive and struggling with his stimulus processing) has changed positively. He settles down more.


For 21 years I have been getting up at night because I have to pee and feel restless, often 2 or 3 times. Two weeks ago my father gave me an EMF Health Card....I haven't woken up for one more night. I sleep great and the restless feeling I had for 21 years is gone.


I started eating healthier, my bowel movements improved without fail. The first six weeks were both losing and gaining pounds. After six weeks, I was even two pounds heavier. The real weight loss started after six weeks. The end result is that I lost 6kg in 12 weeks.


I hardly ever wake up at night anymore. Delicious! Before the Djed, I still sometimes took a nap in the afternoon. I feel calmer than before the djed
I had tingling in my foot. That is almost gone.
I also notice it in the kitty. She wants to cuddle more and is much more relaxed.


My name is Marcel Visschers, I am from the Netherlands. I have spent the last 16 years searching worldwide for innovative natural technologies. That technology should have uniquely strong effects in key health areas. I found them in the Netherlands! Jos (physician), and Willy (former pharmaceutical researcher) are the passionate inventors of the patented HQR technology.
With this, we transform existing radiation into a naturally effective energy field. The beauty of this HQR technology is that we can have a different energy field created by each product (Card, Coin, Djed). So that you are protected from radiation or that you have control over sugar or that you have the 12 primal frequencies in your home again.
We have tested each product to see if they are indeed unique and effective in practice. Yes, all the products exceeded the wildest expectations. Since 2020, hundreds of thousands of EMF tickets have already been sold.
We would love it if you too would like to become a vital and satisfied customer of ours.

Ik ben Marcel Visschers founder van Feel Young 2

Founder | Health idealist


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